Why a Whole-House Air Purifier Is Worth It

Air purifier

A whole-house air purifier is an air filtration system that is installed in the HVAC system of a house to clean the air in the entire home. These systems clean indoor air by using a filtration system that circulates the air from your HVAC system and removes pollutants such as allergens, dust and pet dander. The air is then filtered, purified and recirculated into your home. The system is typically installed in the ductwork of the HVAC system.

The average price of a whole-house air purifier can vary widely, depending on factors such as the size of the house, type of system and the brand. But is it worth the expense? Simons Heating & Cooling can help by sharing a few facts about this HVAC system add-on, which we feel makes this equipment a worthwhile investment.

Can a Portable Air Purifier Purify the Whole House?

No, a small portable air purifier cannot purify the air of an entire house, regardless of the size. Portable air purifiers only clean the air in a specific room or area where they are placed. You would need to purchase and run multiple portable air purifiers to match the coverage of a whole-house air purifier. That’s why a whole-house air purifier that is properly installed in the central HVAC system is so attractive to Upstate New York homeowners. It can help clean the air through your home through one centralized system.

Can You Add a Whole-House Air Purifier to Your Existing HVAC System?

Yes, you can install a whole-house air purifier to your existing HVAC system. Most whole-house air purifier can be easily installed into an existing HVAC system by one of Simons’ skilled technicians. The process typically involves adding the air purifier unit to the ductwork and connecting it to the existing HVAC system. The specific installation process may vary depending on the type of system and the existing HVAC setup.

What Impurities Can a Whole-House Air Purifier Clean?

A whole-house air purifier can help eliminate a a variety of airborne particles from the air, including:

  • Dust and pollen
  • Pet dander
  • Mold spores
  • Bacteria and viruses
  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
  • Smoke and odors
  • Chemical fumes

The specific impurities that a whole-house air purifier targets may depend on the type of filter it uses. Some systems use a combination of filters, such as HEPA, activated carbon and UV light, to effectively remove a wide range of impurities.

A Few Final Thoughts: Is a Whole-House Air Purifier Worth the Expense?

Whether a whole-house air purifier is worth the investment for your Upstate New York home depends on several factors, such as:

  1. Health concerns: If you or someone in your household has allergies, asthma or other respiratory problems, a whole-house air purifier can improve indoor air quality and help alleviate symptoms.
  2. Quality of outdoor air: If you live in an area with poor outdoor air quality or high levels of pollution, a whole-house air purifier can provide a source of clean indoor air.
  3. Home size: If you have a large home, a whole-house air purifier can be more effective than using multiple portable air purifiers to provide clean air throughout the house.
  4. Budget: A whole-house air purifier can be a significant investment, so it’s important to consider whether it fits into your budget and if it provides enough benefits to justify the cost.

We’d argue that a whole-house air purifier is worth the investment when high indoor air quality is a priority for comfort. Call Simons Heating & Cooling at (518) 839-2602 today to talk about your home’s air quality needs. We’re happy to help you discover the perfect whole-house air purification system for you!
